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Hello World

06 February 2012

Hello world, this is my first time using the Jekyll blogging engine, and I hope it goes well. This blog should serve to replace my old (and languishing) Blogger blog: theempirecollective. I hope to use it as a means of promoting the projects I’m working on at any given time, hopefully that will provide some critical introspection which I think could only improve the quality of my own side projects and contributions to the open source community.

The first project I hope to share, is that of Hub.js - a thought experiment that I currently cant get out of my head. Until such time as I pin down its uses or prove that the idea is flawed, it seems promising. So if you can bare with me, my second post on this blog will be a deep dive into what Hub.js is, how it works and why I think its a good idea to use it. (or at least adopt the paradigm it presents/illustrates).

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